Vittoria Raffa (female, 41 years old) has an established international reputation by virtue of the original publications on medical aspects of nanotechnology and nanomedicine. She was author in the last 10 years of 60 publications in ISI journals (h-index 24, total citations 2200) and 5 patents on technologies relating to nanomedicine. She is Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, Ph.D. in Nanotechnology, M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering. From 2014 to 2016 she was Professor at the University of Dundee (UK) and PI of Nanobio Lab (School of Medicine, Dundee, UK). Currently, she is Professor at the University of Pisa; lecturer of 2 courses related to Molecular Biology and 2 courses related to Nanomedicine; leader the Nanomedicine Lab of the Department of Biology (UNIPI, IT). The Nanomedicine Lab is a very multidisciplinary environment, with people working at the interface of different disciplines in Life and Physical Sciences. Her long-term research interests are in the field of neuroscience and in the study of the mechanotransduction of axonal growth.
e-mail: vittoria.raffa@unipi.it