David Serantes currently holds a combined teaching and research position at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) in Galicia, Spain. His expertise is on theoretical nanomagnetism, being his research characterized by a strong interaction with experimentalists. He obtained his PhD on magnetocaloric properties in nanosystems at the USC in 2011; then as a postdoc he joined the ICMM (Madrid, Spain) to work on ultrafast magnetisation dynamics. Since then, his work is focused on the study of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Particularly, he studies their response under external AC fields to be used as heat mediators for biomedical applications, as hyperthermia cancer treatment (second postdoc at the University of York, UK) or the remote magnetogenetic control of cellular activities (core of his current project). His investigation involves the development of new theoretical models, requiring the combination of the multi-scale atomistic-to-macrospin approximation with the (mechanical) Brownian dynamics (rotation, displacement), which were traditionally considered separate areas of knowledge.
e-mail: david.serantes@usc.es